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Office of Special Services

Director of Special Services- Alex Keesling

Secretary- Dene Prevett

Special Education, Title I and At-Risk

The Flushing Schools provides programs that guarantee all handicapped persons the opportunity for an education appropriate to their needs. Services for Title I and At-Risk students are provided based upon need. Students are provided instruction utilizing the computer labs before, during, and after school.

Alternative, Community Education, and Pre-School

The school district operates an alternative education program for ages 16-20 years. Specialized classes are offered to students to obtain a high school diploma.

Community Education provides a wide variety of youth and adult enrichment and recreation opportunities throughout the entire year. Click on the Community Services link found in the left side bar and then click on Enrichment to see the current listing of Community Education being offered.

A full pre-school program is offered including Head Start and At-Risk classes. The At-Risk classes are for eligible four-year old children to prepare them for school.