Fine Arts
Fine Arts
Visual Arts Program at Flushing Community Schools
To order tickets for upcoming events or to access a live stream link,
visit the William H. Tunnicliff web page.
FHS Fine Arts
Flushing High School Band - Mrs. Larner
Flushing High School Choir - Ms. Boaz
Flushing High School Orchestra - Mr. Harrity
Flushing High School Visual Arts - Mrs. Fil
Flushing High School Visual Arts - Mrs. DeVuyst
Flushing High School Theatre - Mr. Foltz
Flushing High School Video Productions - Mrs. Daniels
FHS Industrial Arts
Industrial Art - Mr. Wiedyk
FMS Fine Arts
Flushing Middle School Band - Mr. Fontan
Flushing Middle School Choir - Ms. Boaz
Flushing Middle School Orchestra - Mr. Harrity
Flushing Middle School Visual Arts - Mrs. Luck
Elementary Fine Arts
Central & Seymour Art - Mrs. Dekalita
Elms & Springview Art - Mrs. Bowsher
Central & Seymour Music - Mrs. Routt
Elms & Springview Music - Mrs. Spodney